About Me…



Hello! Thank you for stopping by my little spot on the internet. It is lovely to meet you.

My name is Lisa (That’s me up there on the left), I’m 31, I live in a little flat beside a river in Scotland. Mummy to 2 kittens and partner to James (That’s him on the right) – we are a happy little family. We just bought our first house just over a year ago and now we are actually starting to settle in.

I’ve lived in Scotland all my life, and I love this country and it’s diverse yet traditional lifestyle. I’ve never really been a “city girl”, preferring the countryside and the calm sleepiness of a small town to the bustle and speed of the city.

Experience is the greatest teacher and as someone fighting mental and physical illness for a long time now, it has become my passion to give a voice to and fight the stigma surrounding these issues. When you meet me on a good day I look perfectly fine – but I often feel like if you looked closely you would notice I am held together with glitter glue and good intentions.

This blog will be a random assortment of my personal account of being chronically ill, life hacks for generally living life, my own secret (gluten-free) recipes as well as possibly a smattering of arts and crafts. There is also the chance that I may be sharing a venture with you down the organising/ homemaking rabbit hole.

Well, that is more or less all I can think of to write on this little page. I hope you enjoy having a nosey around. If you have any questions, comments or just want to send me a photo of a cute hedgehog please feel free to email me: mieliboo@gmail.com

Thanks for reading!

Mieliboo x

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